John Wesley once famously said, "There is no holiness apart from social holiness." Over the years, many have mistakenly asserted that he was talking about social justice.
In reality, he was talking about doing discipleship in the context of real relationships. In essence, you can't become a real Christian alone. The way forward is as close as a few other people who are willing to band together.
We're not talking about a traditional small group or a typical accountability group. The primary curriculum is the lives of the bandmates, joined together in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
the band meeting format
Group prayer adapted from Ephesians 5:14 and 3:14-19.
1. How is it with your soul?
2. What are your struggles and successes?
3. How might the word and spirit be speaking in your life?
4. Do you have any sin that you want to confess?
5. Are there any secrets or hidden things you would like to share?
Group prayer adapted from Ephesians 3:20-21
be courageous
Share honestly, and as deeply as you are ready.
be compassionate
Show grace and affirm the forgiveness we have in Christ.
be considerate
Don’t interrupt, give advice, or try to fix problems.
be consistent
Show up for meetings, and speak within the allotted time.
be confidential
What’s shared here, stays here—always.